The study aimedtoidentify the impact of parentalrelationship in promotingthe culture of citizenship among children, with a particular focus onfamilies fromel-Shati’refugee, camp in Gaza City. The study was carried out on a sample consisting of (88) participants from heads of Palestinian householdsand their children livingin el-Shati’refugee campby using the descriptive approach. The researcher usedaquestionnairewhere one of the parentsfilledout the part assignedto him/her,and then one of theirchildren completethe other part with the researcher’shelp. Theresults of the participants’ responses to theeffect of parental relationshipwere high; the study showed that the percentage of all parental domains was (85.2%). The field of education rankedthefirst on the parental relationship level with (88.4%),then in the field of religious education (88%).Whilethepercentage of fieldof societywas(82.4%),the field of the family lifegot(81.8%). The resultsalso indicatedtherise of the level ofculture of citizenship among children in the sample, whichwas(86.8%)forthe total paragraphs of this axis. In addition, theresults showed a statistically essentialeffect of parental relationship on the culture of citizenship amongchildren. The dimensions of the parental relationship variable as an independent variable estimated at (66%)of the variance in the dependent variable related to the culture of citizenship among the children. This axis is one of the most important factors affectingthe culture of citizenship among children.The most important recommendations were the need to disseminate the experience of the Women’s Program Center, the People’s Committee for Refugees and the Zakat Committee to support and guide families that had not been reached,and to encourage other civil society institutions to work with parenting programs to develop parentingrelationshipskills.
Recommended Citation
Elasouly, Atef
"The impact of parental relationship in promoting the culture of citizenship among children: an applied study of the families of el-Shati’ refugee camp in Gaza city, Palestine,"
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities): Vol. 35:
6, Article 10.
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