An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


Ident tying the social risks covered by the Jordanian Social Security was the main target of this study and the range of subscribers’ satisfaction with covering the ensured social risks. The study used the social survey approach. The study population consisted of all the Social Security subscribers working at Jordan Phosphate Mines Company (PLC). A stratified random sample was selected according to the occupation type variable. A questionnaire, used as the study tool was distributed on a random sample of (151) subjects working at the Phosphate Mining Company. The study concluded that the Social Security Corporation in Jordan works on covering two types of social risks: humane risks including the risks of disability, death,aging and maternity, and occupational risks including work injuries, occupational diseases, road accidents, as well as work disruption risks.The study has demonstrated having a medium degree of satisfaction with covering the risks of disability, death and aging with a mean of 3.55, and SD of 0.78.As far as the maternity risks, satisfaction was significantly high with a mean of 3.74 and standard deviation of 0.70.As for work disruption risks, satisfaction degree was medium with a mean of 3.26 and SD of 0.78. The study showed that that the satisfaction degree of subscribers concerning work injuries was medium with a mean of 3.33 and SD of 0.66. The study also showed significant differences at (0.05≥α) according to the variables of gender, subscription duration and educational level, the study recom mended that work should be made to take pre cautionary procedures to limit social risks which workers at JPMC are exposed to.
