An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


This study examines the legal regulation of working hours and its role in achieving a balance between the two parties to the work contract, whether the worker or the employer, in the labour legislation of both the Kingdom of Morocco and the State of Palestine, based on the comparative, inductive and analytical approach, and the problem of the study is the extent of the capacity of contemporary labour laws that regulate hours Work to achieve a balance between the conflicting interests of the two parties to the work contract, and the study tried to answer the previous problem by talking about managing the working hours in the normal case of the establishment’s activity, as well as managing them in the exceptional case of its activity. The study has great importance in several matters, including enriching the Palestinian legislative experience by comparing it With its Moroccan counterpart, and one of the most prominent findings of this study is the important role of the legal regulation of working hours in achieving a balance between the interest of the worker and the requirements of the establishment on the one hand, and limiting the abuse of employers towards workers on the other hand, and the results also showed that the Moroccan legislator was More advanced and flexible in general than the Palestinian counterpart in regulating working hours.
