
Delta University Scientific Journal

Delta University Scientific Journal

About This Journal

Delta University Scientific Journal (DUSJ) is a multidisciplinary , Peer-reviewed journal covers the fields of Pharmacy, Engineering, Dentistry, Physical Therapy and Business Administration. The principle objective of DUSJ is to offer biannual means of updating and upgrading the scientific knowledge and information of the national as well as international audience in various areas and specialties of sciences. The journal publishes the original research papers and review articles on all aspects and relevance of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Engineering ,Dental Sciences, Physical Therapy and Business Administration Papers are reviewed for publication assuming that its content have not been submitted simultaneously to another journal, haven't been accepted for publication elsewhere and haven't already been published. Any attempt at dual publication will lead to automatic rejection. Papers may be rejected after review in-house on account of lack of originality, poorly conducted study or absence of scientific message. Manuscripts should be submitted together with the copyright transfer, Disclosure and Authorship form and a covering letter addressed to (DUSJ) editor requesting submission and signed by corresponding author.