Journal of Engineering Research

The use of bentonite clay slurries in civil and geotechnical engineering dates back to Veder's pioneering work in 1953. Since then, bentonite has been used for various applications such as the construction of bored piles and diaphragm walls. Plastic concrete walls also require sufficient strength and modulus to adapt to the surrounding environment, and the characteristics and different forms of bentonite commercially available were reviewed in this paper.This paper reviews the properties and applications of bentonite, including its use in cement-bentonite composites for remedial cut-off wall construction. Cement-bentonite grouts offer advantages over bentonite grouts in terms of ease of use and adjustability of strength.Cement-bentonite composites were found to be promising materials for remedial cut-off wall construction due to their ability to meet requirements for strength, stiffness, and permeability. By regulating the mix proportions, the strength of the set grout can be adjusted to match that of the surrounding ground. Cement-bentonite grouts also offer advantages over traditional bentonite grouts, as they are easier to use, offer a longer working period before setting, and can be forgiving if the user deviates from the design formula or the mixing technique. This paper provides useful information for those working with bentonite and cement-bentonite composites in civil and geotechnical engineering applications.
Recommended Citation
A. A. Abd Elaty, Wasiem R. Azzam, Ahmed Gamal Eldesoky, Metwally
"Properties of Cement Composites Utilizing of Bentonite: A Review,"
Journal of Engineering Research: Vol. 7:
3, Article 39.
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