"Diesel/Ammonia Dual Fuel by Adding CNG as Partially Premixed Charge" by Medhat Elkelawy Prof. Dr, Eng., Hagar Alm-Eldin Bastawissi Prof. Dr. et al.

Journal of Engineering Research

Journal of Engineering Research


Researchers have recently moved on in their studies to find a solution to prevent or reduce this problem. There have been directions taken by researchers to solve the problem, including, replacing fossil fuels with environmentally friendly types or by combining two or more types of fuel. This is by modifying fuel injection systems as appears in the PCCI, RCCI, or HCCI systems, or working to integrate the two trends by using new injection systems and burning alternative fuels with fossil fuels. Therefore, the trend has good results on the specific consumption of fuel, raising thermal efficiency, and working to reduce environmentally polluting emissions. This study employed ammonia hydroxide and diesel as a green fuel, with volume ratios of 7.5% to 92.5%, respectively. By adding a variable percentage of compressed natural gas (CNG) (1.5 litres/min - 2.5liters/min) using the PCCI system in a four-stroke single-cylinder diesel engine the experimental studies will performed on the engine thermal efficiency (BTE) and emissions polluting the environment. The change in specific fuel consumption (BSFC) will be discussed and the results will be compared with their counterparts in the case of using diesel only and using diesel with ammonia hydroxide of the mentioned percentage only. The vibration analysis system has been employed to evaluate the actual performance of the engine by measuring the vibration using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) approach. Moreover, after practical experiments, we concluded that using ammonia hydroxide with diesel in volume proportions of 7.5% - 92.5%, when compared to diesel only worked to improve thermal efficiency by 20.98%, and 23.95%, respectively. When natural gas is added by 1.5 litres per minute, the thermal efficiency increases to 26.83%, but when it is added at a rate of 2.5 litres per minute, the thermal efficiency increases to 27.45%. The exhaust temperature, specific fuel consumption, emissions species, and soot opacity will record in the study.
