Journal of Engineering Research

In recent times, there has been a surge in scientific endeavors aimed at combating global warming. Various methods have been employed to address this issue, including the substitution of fossil fuels with more environmentally sustainable alternatives and the combination of different fuel types. This can be achieved through the integration of innovative injection systems and the simultaneous combustion of alternative fuels alongside fossil fuels, or by modifying fuel injection systems such as in the PCCI, RCCI, or HCCI systems. In a particular research investigation, a blend of ammonia hydroxide and diesel, with volume percentages of 7.5% and 92.5% respectively, was utilized as green fuels. Various proportions of biodiesel were incorporated into the conventional injection system. Experiments were conducted on a four-stroke, single-cylinder, air-cooled diesel engine with fuel ratios of D80B20N7.5, D60B40N7.5, D40B60N7.5, D20B80N7.5, and pure diesel. The primary objective was to analyze the engine's brake thermal efficiency (BTE) and resulting emissions. Additionally, the study investigated changes in specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and compared the outcomes to those obtained using diesel alone. The study findings revealed that the inclusion of ammonia hydroxide in the blend of diesel and biodiesel in varying volumetric ratios led to an increase in brake thermal efficiency compared to using diesel alone. While the average brake thermal efficiency with pure diesel stood at 20.5%, the introduction of the diesel and biodiesel mixture in different proportions resulted in a decrease in average brake thermal efficiency. However, incorporating ammonia hydroxide at a volumetric percentage of 7.5% into the blend led to an increase in average brake thermal efficiency corresponding to the volumetric percentage employed. The highest brake thermal efficiency of 21.26% was achieved with the D80B20N7.5 mixture. As the percentage of biodiesel increased, there was a subsequent decrease in average brake thermal efficiency. Nevertheless, with the addition of the highest mixture percentage, D20B80N7.5, a brake thermal efficiency of 20.85% was recorded, surpassing the performance of diesel alone.
Recommended Citation
Elkelawy, Medhat Prof. Dr, Eng.; Bastawissi, Hagar Alm-Eldin; Elsamadony, Mohammed Osama Dr. Eng.; and Abdalhadi, Abdallah Salem
"Investigation into the Impact of Ammonia Hydroxide on Performance and Emissions in Compression Ignition Engines Utilizing Diesel/Biodiesel Blends,"
Journal of Engineering Research: Vol. 8:
1, Article 21.
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