"Public realm for enhanced quality of Life :Interactive spaces combatin" by Amal M . El- ELlithy , Mohamed M. Yossef , and Mai W. Madkour

Journal of Engineering Research

Journal of Engineering Research


Currently, facing climate change stands as a crucial focus within architecture, urban planning and design .Urban design is constructive endeavor aimed at benefiting the public. The public realm that creates the environment for individuals and communities to effectively, safely, meaningfully and permanently lead their lives .For a prolonged duration the public realm have been formulated to accommodate severe climatic conditions .the reality persists that the essence of a signification public realm continue to be widely disregarded . The aim is to clarify how exceptional quality, effectively designed, and well-managed approaches can be beneficial to implement as a strategy for climate change adaptation and environmental resilience as well as rising the standard of quality of life. based on the literatures analysis .both empirical and theoretical studies as well as developing the concepts of adaptive reorganization of the existing public spaces using landscape design ,in an effort to improve the quality of life and to tackle climate change . As a result, the paper concludes that the focus on integrating elements of urban planning and design for public realm ,as well as the aesthetic and visual quality ,demonstrates how adaptation to climate change can become a catalyst for change .by transforming challenges into resources and creating value, it plays a significant role in enhancing the quality of open spaces . Additionally, an increase in interaction with the space was observed, including motivation for engaging in activities and a sense of happiness
