
Journal of Engineering Research

Journal of Engineering Research


Personalized medicine is a trend in the healthcare sector, considering specific individuals' physiology, treatment response, and preferences. Additive manufacturing techniques like 3D printing deserve part of the credit for enabling the development of modern solutions for personalized medicine. For example, many manufacturing orthopedic medical implants and devices have been converted to 3D printing technology as it is very simple and accurate.

The objective of this work is to evaluate the efficacy of 3D-printed arm casts as an alternative to traditional plaster casts, which may lead to medical complications and discomfort due to their weight. In contrast, 3D-printed casts are lightweight and may satisfy mechanical requirements. The study aimed to verify this claim by investigating various casts’ patterns using different materials. The work investigates the practicality and efficiency of utilizing a structured light scanner, commercial CAD software, and FEA simulation in designing a personalized 3D-printed arm cast.
