"Design and Produce of Innovative Textile Wall Hangings by Integrating " by Gamal Abdel Hamid Radwan, Heba Khamis Abdel Tawab et al.

International Design Journal

International Design Journal


The art of textile hangings is considered one of the most important fine arts that the people with fine artistic thinking realize its real value. It is one of the richest, oldest and most famous types of visual arts which are value increased over time because of their artistic and aesthetic values ​​to complete the design of interior architecture and beautify public buildings and homes. It adds the aesthetic touch to the place and showcases and reflect the ideology of the era which the internal architecture is based on to design the place (1) .. Thus we can say that the textile hanging is one of the visual arts which by observing its development we can discover more about the era when it is created and so we can say that the hanging is an era mirror. The research deals with the possibility of combining more than one technique for the creation of textile hanging with a contemporary modern design, in order to enrich the art of textile hangings with the era spirit. The combination between the gobelin technique using mechanical jacquard and the semi-hand tuft technique by incorporating more than one yarn material with different colors and thickness In one gun blow, which gives millions of different results with simple changes, to take advantage of the potentials of both techniques to clarify the researcher's vision.



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