International Design Journal

The sense of hearing is the first most important sense among our five senses. The studies indicate hearing disability is more harmful to persons than visual disability, and their effects appear on their personal characteristics, such as linguistic, Social, Psychological and Academic. On the other hand, researchers in the field of deaf education agree that their mental abilities are normal and may exceed the normal level for some others. Hence, a deaf person with good education can compete with a healthy individual, learn the same educational and vocational skills, and can even excel in that. With the global increase in the interest in people with special needs, the two researchers saw the need to shed light on the category of hearing disability and their potential inherent skills that must be exploited by providing appropriate educational conditions, and training programs to open the way for them to rely on themselves and meet their living requirements by setting up micro-projects that do not need large capital funds. The researchers have used the remnants of velvet fabrics in the designs of some flowers to enrich the home furnishings as it is one of the smoothest and softest fabrics among all other types of fabrics. Velvet fabrics are specially made and processed due to their distinctive properties. Velvet fabric is used in garments including pants, shirts and many more. It is also used in bed sheets, covers, curtains, etc. They are no less than silk in any reviews, whether they are glossy or matte. The velvet fabric, due to its high-quality look and price-fit, in addition to being non-reproducible which made it the most preferred fabric. Research problem: What is the possibility of providing a training program for persons with hearing disability and deaf to develop their skill in producing home furnishings using velvet residue for the development of micro-projects? What is the possibility of benefiting from the remnants of velvet fabrics (velor) and recycling them in the production of some furniture pieces and home decoration accessories. To what extent are the aesthetic and functional values of the pieces executed to be used in the labor market achieved? How successful are the pieces executed from the specialists' point of view? Results: There are statistically significant differences between the average scores of trainees with hearing and health disabilities in the knowledge gained in implementing some furnishings and home decoration supplements Before and after training in favor of post-training, where the mean levels of tribal application (6.7) and standard deviation (2.09) and the average degrees of post-application (19.5) and standard deviation (2.99), and the value of "T" (30.58) and the level of significance (0.001), which indicates statistically significant differences between the two applications in the cognitive test in favor of the post-application.
Recommended Citation
Al-Khatib, Zainab Abdel Hafez Ali and Obaid Allah, Hager Ahmed Hamed
"A training program for people with hearing disabilities to develop their home furnishings production skills using velvet residue in developing micro-projects,"
International Design Journal: Vol. 10:
3, Article 18.
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