
International Design Journal

International Design Journal


Art is the best way to express that a humans have reached. We have been familiar with the civilizations of the former since thousands of sixty years when studying the arts that these civilizations have left for us. A pen that knows any human activity by stability as defined by plastic arts. Man touches things His need and interests to give joy and comfort to universality in the form of forms and symbols of a universal language that has its alphabet and its own elements to communicate a meaning or message, and art in all its basic activities tries to insist on something about the universe. On society and the environment, or about man and the law itself, scientific discoveries and technological progress have played an important role in art, so technical trends have emerged affected by scientific and technological discoveries and were The Cubist movement is one of the most important technical trends affected by science and technology. The graphic design is considered one of the most teared arts in the technical schools in general and the Cubist school in particular, as it aims to impart aesthetic values and his clothing on fabrics d release the required functional purpose, and recently due to the technological progress, printing occupied a large place in the fashion world. That the creative designer is the one who possesses the ability to be sensitive to inspiration from many sources in a variety of ways. All of the surrounding visual and sensory influences invite him to think, meditate and analyze. Technical schools are considered one of the most important sources of inspiration. Among the most important of them is the Cubist school, which took engineering forms as a basis for building artwork. This school was also affected by technology and scientific theories, and it challenged the employment of the third dimension in modern art, as well as the fourth dimension, which brought about a shift in the art of modern photography. This research included Benefiting from the third and fourth dimension introduced in the Cubist school in making graphic designs, fabrics, and evening dress for women. The search results are summarized in: Study and analyze the artworks of the third and fourth dimensional lattice to reach print designs Ladies evening fabrics are inspired by these technical works. Using computer programs specialized in determining the shape of the print designs of evening fabrics for women.



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