
International Design Journal

International Design Journal


The material of art works from the subjects taught to the students of the fourth year Department of Home Economics Faculty of Specific Education, University of Aswan, despite the importance of the article, but there is no specific approach and the existence of deficiencies in both the content provided and methods of teaching and teaching aids. So the researcher went to prepare and build a proposed curriculum for the subject of art works for students of the home economy. The aim of the research is to identify the foundations of the proposed curriculum for art works, the effectiveness of the proposed curriculum in the development of some knowledge and skills related to the works of art and enrich the course with different techniques and skills. The importance of the research is to develop some of the technical works skills of the students of the Department of Home Economics and the use of modern techniques and techniques to enrich this course. This research follows the descriptive approach and experimental methodology. The researcher used a number of tools in the application of the research (the achievement test - the skill test - the observation card - the measurement scale). The statistical results showed that the proposed method has an effect on raising the level of cognitive knowledge among the students, which contributed to the achievement of the research objective.



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