
International Design Journal

International Design Journal


The development of the architectural design of public buildings is a prerequisite for the development of urbanism in urban societies. Public dining spaces (PDS) have a distinctive place in contemporary shopping and entertainment spaces. Public dining spaces physical environment elements (PDPEE) requires to be studied and tested from the users' point of view, the study was conducted in 6 (PDS) in Cairo, Egypt, a structural questionnaire was distributed to visitors of (PDS), (PDPEE) was summarized in 5 elements. Based on the literature review, the quality of the questionnaire was confirmed by the Alpha Cronbach test. In order to inspect the opinion of (PDS) visitors about the priorities of (PDPEE) and its association with the emotion state (ES), behavior intentions (BI) the study utilized a two-step methodology based on I. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). II. Structural equation model (SEM), Results are analyzed based on SPSS, AMOS software, to generate the results, the study relied on the Spearman test and chi-square test, as for the results’ validation, confidence intervals, effect size was calculated for the previous tests, the results indicated that lighting and finishing materials in particular and aesthetic elements in general are the most important elements of (PDPEE). Clearly, this study illustrates that there is a close direct correlation between (PDPEE)/(ES) and (BI), the relationship between comfort emotion (CE) generated from (PDPEE) and the visitors’ age, the visit day (VD), the visit time (VT) in the morning or evening is proven, while pleasure emotion (PE) has a correlation with (VD) only



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