International Design Journal

The research aims to measure the effect of the flipped classroom strategy in developing the cognitive and skill aspects of the foundations of clothing design course in light of the application of the hybrid learning system, and the research sample consisted of (12) students ( male / female ) of the first year in the Reyme clothes Division - Department of Industrial Education - Faculty of Education - Helwan University and the remaining (2) students were excluded for repetition because of their previous experiences differed from the experiences of the students in the research sample, and due to the small number of students in the group, they were not divided into two groups ( control and experimental), but the strategy was applied to the whole group The researcher prepared E-Learning content for the course “foundations of Clothing Design” using the flipped classroom strategy in the form of a “Ppt” presentation consisting of “138” presentation slides including electronic texts, educational videos and links for educational websites. The E-Learning content was divided into Educational units. And make it available to students through virtual learning environments "Microsoft Teams". The researcher prepared the necessary research tools to measure the impact of using the flipped classroom strategy on the level of cognitive achievement and the skillful performance of students, as well as to measure students' opinions and their direction towards the effectiveness of the strategy as a learning method. The existence of statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.01) for the cognitive achievement test in favor of the post application There are also statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.01) for the skill performance in favor of the post application, which confirms the effectiveness of the flipped classroom strategy on developing the cognitive and skill aspects for the foundations of clothing design course in light of the application of hybrid learning. The flipped classroom as a learning method that allows them to determine the appropriate time for learning as well as the speed that suits them, and (97%) of the students agreed that this strategy increased their ability to communicate and cooperate with each other, and that it increased their capabilities for critical thinking and self-learning, in dition to developing their skills. Towards the use of modern learning techniques, all of them emphasized that learning with the flipped classroom strategy is more flexible and fun than tritional learning.
Recommended Citation
Swielam, Zeinab Mohamed Hussein Mustafa
"The Effectiveness of a Flipped Classroom Strategy in Developing the Cognitive and Skill Aspects in teaching Clothing Design Foundations Course in Light of Hybrid Learning,"
International Design Journal: Vol. 11:
3, Article 17.
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