"Mixing Modernism & historical luxurious styles in furniture design app" by Hanan krema

International Design Journal

International Design Journal


Art Nouveau style is considered a very strong movement, from late 19th century and the beginning of the20th century that paved the way to emerge the Modern movement in all art branches including Architecture& furniture design. Art Nouveau Designing elements could be widely used to enhance plain and solid furniture pieces to create a vivid and luxurious atmosphere in the interior Design. The nature elements were the first influence in Art Nouveau Architecture and furniture Design that covered lots of decorative motives like women face, long wavy hair, flowers, sea shells, nails and spirals,……etc.it is an artistic movement full of Vividness. and .creativity. Art Nouveau style has lots of modern aspects in its own core concept and aspects like Symbolism, Meta physics and surrealism that open a wide window to the current furniture designers for creativity without boundaries.



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