International Design Journal

Many contemporary designs of interior design and architecture inspired by classical orders lack the standard basics and rules of this orders –especially the Golden Ratio – which resulted the appearance of designs which lack the values of classical aesthetic and visually distorted due to the absence of the accurate study of the determinates and values of the classical golden ratio. Study Significance: The study significance lay in it’s attempt to handle a factual problem in the field of scientific specialization which is the deformation of classical aesthetic ratio-especially the golden ratio – in the modern interior design works because of not analyzing their aesthetic value and standard ratio. Objectives: Determinate the aesthetic ratios of classical orders and it’s golden ratios and the mechanism of it’s application in interior design to be a reference to the designers in order to understand and evaluate classical aesthetic in the field of scientific specialization. Methodology: The research adopt the historical methodology through the study of the notion of golden ratio and the history of its emergence and application in classical architecture orders , in addition , the applied analytical descriptive methodology is adopted , as a through analysis is conducted to ratios and determinants of classical order and the application the study of the golden ratio in interior design. Results: The Golden Section is a known geometrical and mathematical ratio derived by the Greeks from the measurments of a harmonized ratios human body and the ratio exist between two numbers , spaces and sizes , as they used this ratio in all their designs which had a great effect in establishing aesthetic values of a design and which represented in the equilibrium and compatibility of all the pieces of the design and the choice of it’s ideal ratios , also it was applied later in many interior design and architecture designs, and this ratio is 1.61804. The Greek orders consists of three orders and they are: The Doric order – The Ionic order – The Corinthian order , each of these orders has it’s special ratios , thus designers discovered in them a source of inspiration and though which can be applied in designs through the ages for it’s aesthetic effect which characterized with agility and design accuracy of ratios. During classical ages , the determinants of inner space design spread generally in palaces and other buildings and they all based on the old classical order and the ratio of classical column , as the inner walls was divided into the same aesthetic ratios of classical order. characterized by their accuracy and fulfillment of classical aesthetic values
Recommended Citation
Abd el- Aziz, Dina Ashraf; Gamal;, Dina Fekry; and Emam, Mohamed Hassan
"The Golden Ratio in Classical Orders and Interior Design application mechanism,"
International Design Journal: Vol. 9:
2, Article 8.
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