International Design Journal

Research subject: Design Color Chart for Spot Pre-colored Inks as a guide for Offset Lithography Printing. Objetive: Studying the types of color guides and Its efficiency and importance in the print production. - Explain the importance of using Pantone Color Manager program in print production. - Using of the global language of color production. The problem: neglecting the role of color guides as a basic partner in all steps of print production as a tool that coordinates color standards through a special numbering system, color strips and a global language for color characterization, to achieve the high level of print quality in the Egyptian market. The importance: To explain how the color guides types can effect in increaseing the quality of local printing production. - ToexplaintheeffectofPantoneColorManagerprogramin the workflow of within printing houses. Methodology: The types of color guides are explained and Analysis of the Pantone Color Manager program and how to use and connect with the others graphic program to improve the print production workfelow . In 1963, PantoneCompanyrevolutionizedtheprintingindustryusingthePantone® matching system. It's an innovative method for selecting and using colorsaccuratelyandturningthemintoagloballanguageforthoseinterestedinprintingandpackaging. WherethePantone® matchingsystemcreatesspecialnumberingsystemandcolorchipstocharacterizecolors. ThePantone® matchingsystemsupportsallcolor-relatedindustriessuchastextiles, clothing, fashionandbeauty, interiordesign, andarchitecturalandindustrialdesign, coveringmorethan 10,000 colorsforvariousmaterialsincludingprinting, textiles, plastics, paintsandcoatings. Pantoneguidesareavailableindigitalformandprintedguide, improvingworkflowandmaintainingcolorcorrectlyfromdesigntofinalproduct. X-Ritecompanyhascontributedtothedevelopmentofthecolorguidsindustryingeneral, especiallyinthefieldofprintinganddesign.ThereisnowacompletesetofguidesforLithooffsetprinting, amanualforspecialinks, afourprocessescolors - CMYK - andametalinks.PantoneandX-RitecompanieshaveproducedPantoneColorManagerprogramtolinkcolorguideswiththeothers graphic program and mobile phones for easy digital color display for more efficiency for productionstages, and the program will be explained in this research. Results: 1 - Using the PMS color guides can be your best choice for print production. 2 - Using the Pantone Color Manager application program on the computer and smart phones increases the speed, and accuracy of workflew to connect the printing oprations with customers. Recommendations: 1 - Using of the printed color guides , and Pantone Color Manager application for computer and smart phone . 2 - Interested of studies and research related to this field and follow up the updates of the new annual colors in guides
Recommended Citation
Al aasar, Mohamed El-Said Mahmoud; Al Khafif, Aly Mahmoud; and Abutabl, Mona Moustafa
"Evolution of Using Color Guides in Offset Lithography Printing,"
International Design Journal: Vol. 9:
3, Article 2.
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