Future Computing and Informatics Journal

Volume 2, Issue 1 (2017) 2017, Volume 2, Issue 1
A supporting tool for requirements change management in distributed agile development
ramdan mowad, Domia Lloyd, and Mona Kadry
Interesting association rule mining with consistent and inconsistent rule detection from big sales data in distributed environment
Dinesh J. Prajapati, Sanjay Garg, and N.C. Chauhan
Designing fuzzy rule base using Spider Monkey Optimization Algorithm in cooperative framework
Joydip Dhar
Forecasting of nonlinear time series using ANN
Ahmed Tealab, Hesham Hefny, and Amr Badr
Enersave API: Android-based power-saving framework for mobile devices
Y Beeharry, A.M Muharum, V Hurbungs, and vershley joyejob