Objective: To assess the accuracy of Dolphin Imaging software in predicting upper jaw profile changes in class II patients treated by extraction and non-extraction.
Methods: The records of 60 Class II div 1 patients were selected; 30 patients treated by extraction of upper first premolar and 30 patients treated by non-extraction. The Pre- and post-treatment lateral cephalometric x-rays of each patient were traced using Dolphin software. The actual hard tissue changes due to treatment were calculated and installed into the prediction module to generate the predicted profile. The soft tissue measurements of the actual post-treatment and predicted profiles were compared using the Dolphin measurement function. The accuracy of the software-generated prediction was analysed using Dahlberg’s formula (RDE), Bland & Altman methodand Lin’s Concordance Coefficient (CCC).
Results: RDE of the measured variables were significantly lower for non-extraction group (P = 0.05). Regarding the extraction cases, prediction of the upper lip position relative to E line was not reliable (RDE = 19.1%). Mean difference (predicted-actual) of the upper lip thickness (+ 0.8 mm), upper lip length (+ 0.633 mm), and nasolabial angle (- 4.09) showed a high Bland & Altman range. Regarding the extraction group, upper lip position and nasolabial angle showed poor agreement between the actual and predicted measurements (CCC= 0.505 & 0.38).
Conclusions: Dolphin software prediction for soft tissue changes is more accurate in non-extraction treatments for class II div 1 cases. The software tends to underestimate the upper lip retractive response due to extraction.
Recommended Citation
arif aa, nasef e, aboalnaga a. Measuring Accuracy of Dolphin Imaging Software in predicting upper jaw soft tissue profile changes in Class II Adult Patients treated with Extraction versus Non-Extraction.. Future Dental Journal. 2024; 10(1).
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