"Onlay Bone Grafting For Vertical Augmentation Of Posterior Mndible" by Mahmoud Khorshed, Mohamed Mounir et al.
Future Dental Journal



Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of onlay vertical bone augmentation using patient specific guide in the reduction of intra-operative time and postoperative pain compared to the free hand technique in the vertically deficient posterior mandible ridge using autogenous cortico-cancellous bone.

Methods: This study included 10 patients that had bilateral vertically deficient posterior mandibular alveolar ridges. For each patient, half of the ridge was augmented using 3D printed patient specific surgical guide for fixation of autogenous onlay bone graft, while the other half was augmented using free hand autogenous onlay bone graft technique using 3D printed cutting guide for the harvesting of the blocks for both groups. This was followed by a second-stage surgery for screws removal and delayed implant placement 6 months postoperatively.

Results: Mean value of the intra-operative time for the study group (31.29±3.72 minutes) was less than that of the control group (40.94±3.04 minutes) which was statistically significant (p < 0.0001).

Conclusion: The use of patient specific surgical guide for the harvesting and fixation of onlay bone block in the vertically deficient posterior mandible is an efficient method for reducing the intra-operative time compared to the freehand technique.



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