"Effect of different beverages on the color stability and microhardness" by Dalia A. Saba, Rania A. Salama et al.
Future Dental Journal


Purpose: Aim of the present investigation is to study and compare effects of common beverages on color stability and microhardness of CAD/CAM hybrid versus feldspathic ceramic-blocks. Materials and methods: Two commercially-available CAD/CAM ceramic-blocks: Hybrid (Vita Enamic, En) and Feldspathic (Vitablocs MarkII, Vm) were selected for this study. Total of 18 specimens of each material were prepared. Baseline measurements for color and microhardness were taken using spectrophotometer and Vickers microhardness tester respectively. Specimens of each material were divided into 3 groups according to immersion medium; coffee, red wine or distilled water (control). Final measurements were taken after 28-days of immersion. Color change and percentage microhardness change were calculated. Results were statistically analyzed using one-way-analysis-of-variance; (P < 0.05). Results: Color measurements revealed that immersion in either coffee or distilled water resulted in significantly higher color change values for En compared to Vm. Following immersion in wine, no significant difference in color change existed between both materials. A significant reduction in microhardness of both En and Vm was revealed following immersion in coffee. This change was not significantly different between the two materials. Microhardness values of En measured before or after immersion in different solutions were significantly lower than those of Vm. After immersion in different beverages, a significant negative correlation existed between color change and percentage microhardness change for both materials. Conclusions: Coffee may adversely affect color and microhardness of En and Vm which may consequently compromise esthetics. Different immersion media; with different polarity, may affect hardness of PICN and feldspathic CAD/CAM blocks differently.
