Statement of the problem: Headgear is most commonly used to correct anteroposterior discrepancies. Headgear can also be used to make more space for teeth to come in. In this instance the headgear is attached to the molars, via molar headgear bands and tubes, and helps to draw these molars backwards in the mouth, opening up space for the front teeth to be moved back using braces and bands. Stress on PDL of molars teeth and soreness of teeth when chewing, or when the teeth touch, is typical. Adults usually feel the soreness 12e24 h later, but younger patients tend to react sooner. Purpose: Application of heavy forces to maxillary dentition during treatment with headgear, induces high concentration of stresses in periodontal tissue. Quantification of this stress is of great concern in orthodontics. This study was designed to investigate the quantity and quality of stress response in the PDL of maxillary first molar which was subjected to highpull headgear traction using Finite Element Method. Materials and method: In an experimental study, a three-dimensional finite element model of maxillary dentition, consisting of 17096 elements & 23013 nodes, was developed based on a young human skull. The forces were applied to the maxillary first molar in the stabilized arch by means of a rectangular full size arch wire in (022) slot bracket. Mechanical properties of this model were based on previous studies. A 350 g force was used for high pull headgear to affect the dentition (þ30) and stress distribution was investigated in buccal, palatal, mesial and distal side and in cervical, middle, apical sections of the PDL. The quantity of stresses were expressed as principal stresses, while the negative and positive signs indicated compressive and tensile stresses respectively. Results: The buccal surface of PDL of mesiobuccal root and the buccal, palatal, and distal surface in cervical regions of PDL of distobuccal root and the distal surface of the PDL of palatal root had received a great deal of stresses, in addition, the over all stress distribution in roots of molar had intrusive nature. Conclusion: The distribution of high stress concentration areas observed after using high pull headgear is limited to some root surfaces specially the distobuccal root.
Recommended Citation
Shahnaseri S, Farahani M, Ghasemianpour Bavandi M, Bagherieh S, Amir Mousavi S. Stress distribution of maxillary first molar PDL with highpull headgear traction; A finite element analysis. Future Dental Journal. 2020; 4(1):36-42.