Objectives: Evaluation of antibacterial activity of glass ionomer restorative material (GIC) after impregnation of copaiba oil, nanosilver (NanoAg) and nanogold (NanoAu) and their consequent effect on the compressive strength. Methodology: The different antibacterial solutions were added to Fugi IX GI liquid at various concentrations; 50 μL, 100 μL, 150 μL, 200 μL and 250 μL. Antibacterial activity against streptococcus mutans was evaluated by agar diffusion test (ADT) and direct contact test (DCT). Compressive strength was assessed according to ISO specifications. Bactericidal effect of the different investigated antibacterial agents on S. mutans biofilms was evaluated using Conofocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM). Data were statistically analyzed. Results: ADT showed that copaiba oil-modified GIC recorded highest mean inhibition zone diameter at nearly all concentrations (P˂0.001). DCT showed that above 50 μL, copaiba oil-GIC reported the lowest mean optical density at 6h, 24h and 48h (P˂0.0001). Highest compressive strength was recorded in control group (180.9± 4.4 MPa, PConclusions: Being a natural product, copaiba oil could be a promising candidate for variable applications or formulations in dentistry. Despite of the improvement in the antibacterial activity against S. mutans, compressive strength of Copaiba oil-modified GIC was negatively affected, which could limit its use to non-stress bearing areas.
Recommended Citation
Bayoumi RE, Habib SI. Assessment of Antibacterial Properties and Compressive Strength of Copaiba Oil –modified Glass Ionomer Cement versus Nanosilver or Nanogold-modified Glass Ionomer Cements: An In-Vitro Study. Future Dental Journal. 2020; 5(1).