Assessment Of Anterior Alveolar Bone Graft healing With And Without Coverage, With Collagen Membrane
This study was designed to evaluate the retromolar as a new donor site and its ability to augment the alveolar ridge horizontal and/or vertical defects prior to implant placement.
Twelve patients were selected for future implant placement after anterior maxillary ridge augmentation. CBCTs were performed preoperative, immediate postoperative and 6 months postoperative. After induction of general anesthesia, an envelope flap full mucoperiosteal flap was raised to expose the maxillary alveolar ridge defect. A donor site full thickness flap was elevated to expose the lateral body of the ramus, The graft was fixed in all the twelve patients but in six of them a collagen membrane has been used to cover the graft area. statistical analysis which showed no statistically significant difference regarding the
bone width gain between the two groups in all the intervals till the end of the study.
The cortico-cancellous blocks obtained from the retromolar region represented successfully a new donor site for bone harvesting, offering quantity of bone that could be adequate to reconstruct localized alveolar defects ranging from one to four teeth in both horizontal and/or vertical manner., with possibility for bilateral bone harvesting, sites.
Clinical Relevance
This study highlights how this technique is easy to perform, provide low donor site morbidity as the donor and host sites are in a single surgical field as well as the effectiveness of retromolar region in providing adequate bone quality bone showing active signs of remodeling and viability on the histological level.
Recommended Citation
Abdou MM. Assessment Of Anterior Alveolar Bone Graft healing With And Without Coverage, With Collagen Membrane. Future Dental Journal. 2021; 6(1).