Background: Several treatment options are planned for completely edentulous patients rehabilitation which were developed to meet patients desires and requirements, starting from conventional complete denture till implant supported fixed full arch cases. Each technique has its own indication and limitations. Passive fit is an important factor for the long-term success of implant- prosthesis, which necessitate accurate transfer of the implant position. Recently, digital impressions have been introduced in dental implant treatment. By the use of scan body and different optical scanning methods, the position of scan bodies can be transferred to a virtual implant position within the dental arch. Material and Methods: a standardized model was used to evaluate trueness, precision and overall accuracy between two types of scan body. The first is a scannable healing abutment. and a second a scannable healing abutment modified by adding plastic cap. A scan was made to four standard long scan bodies, and it was considered a base line of measurement (control group) control baseline. Results: The results showed that there was a statistically significance difference when comparing trueness between scannable healing abutment and healing abutment with plastic cap on both occlusal and mid axial direction with a P-value 0.000* and 0.003* respectively. Conclusion: Within limitations of this study it could be concluded that using scannable healing abutment with plastic cap had better accuracy than scannable healing abutment without plastic cap.
Recommended Citation
Elghazally AS, Mohsen B, Hosny A, Elcharkawi HG. Effect of Scan Body Design on the Accuracy of the Implant Position in Implant Supported Prosthesis. Future Dental Journal. 2024; 9(2):151-155. doi: https://doi.org/10.54623/fdj.90214.
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