Objectives: The aim of the present Systematic Review was to compare between immediate and delayed dental implant placement using resonance frequency analysis specifically Implant Stability Quotients (ISQ).
Search methods: Search was performed in two databases (PubMed and Cochrane Library) till March 2023. Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) were included and measurements of ISQ at time of placement and time of loading were recorded. We excluded papers discussing bone grafting, orthodontic treatment and implant surface treatment.
Results: Results were above ISQ threshold value of 65, with no significant difference between immediate and delayed implants. However, Immediate placement showed shorter treatment time and better esthetic outcome.
Conclusion: Implant stability can be achieved with both immediate and delayed implant placement techniques.
Recommended Citation
Younis SH, Radana CI, Galal DM, Abdul-Fattah HK, Labib JA. Stability of Immediately Placed and Delayed Implants Using Resonance Frequency Analysis (RFA). A Systematic Review. Future Dental Journal. 2024; 9(2):81-85. doi: https://doi.org/10.54623/fdj.9022.