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Effat Undergraduate Research Journal

Educational research shows that student contribution is an effective practice for enhancing educational outcomes. The mission of the Undergraduate Research Journal (EURJ) is to provide a forum for exchange and discussion of research. Effat’s Undergraduate Research Journal (EURJ) was a great initiative established in 2017 to publish research by outstanding Effat University’s undergraduate students from all disciplines by submitting faculty-mentored research articles. The open-access interdisciplinary journal is run jointly by faculty members and students, with the unique partnership of Effat’s other departments. Publications of EURJ are sponsored by the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Research (DGSR). Now EURJ has expanded its capabilities to allow students from different parts of the world to contribute valuable research as a venue for future junior researchers. Effat Undergraduate Research Journal.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Future Computing and Informatics Journal

ISSN 2314-7288

Future Computing and Informatics Journal (FCIJ) is an International Journal, a scholar open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, and fully referred international scientific journal focusing on research in computer science, information systems, information technology, and relative fields. FCIJ aims to contribute in promoting the research in the field of applied computing and information technology.

The journal scope covers the whole areas of computer science, information systems, and information technology like Management of Green IT, Artificial Intelligence, Embedded Systems, Mobile Computing, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Software Engineering, Data and Network Security, Human-Computer Interaction, Computational Intelligence, Biometrics and Bioinformatics, Database Management Systems and more.

Future Journal of Social Science

ISSN 2314-727X (Online), 2314-7261 (Print)

The Future Journal of Social Science (FJSS) is an interdisciplinary journal in the field of social science, that encourages diverse methodical and methodological discussions, experimentation, and analysis of current, past, and expected affairs in our globalized world that are written in English. FJSS's focus is to support the academic contributions in any of the following sub-fields of social science (and not limited to): economics, statistics, political science, media and communication, political mass media, public administration, sociology, anthropology, gender studies, area studies, international politics, history, political and social psychology, etc. FJSS takes on the mission to provide alternatives to the already existing boundaries of the sub-disciplines of social science, particularly in the Arab region. Future Journal of Social Science.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Hadhramout University Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences


PRINT : 2227 – 9164

ONLINE : 2790 – 7201

Hadhramout University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences (HUJNAS) is a multidisciplinary, open access, peer-reviewed journal issued by the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research at Hadhramout University. The journal is an open access international journal for scientists and researchers to publish their scientific papers. The journal is devoted to publishing scientific research work in different fields of science, including applied sciences, basic sciences, medical sciences, engineering.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Jadara Journal For Research and Studies

ISSN 2313-5824

Introductory text for Jadara Journal For Research and Studies.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Middle East Journal of Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Sustainable Development

MEJELSD is published by Effat University, Saudi Arabia. The journal publishes two issues every year bringing the work from academics and practitioners in various entrepreneurship fields. Research areas are wide with a focus on leadership, small and medium enterprises, innovations in the region and sustainable development.