Hebron University Research Journal-A (Natural Sciences) - (مجلة جامعة الخليل للبحوث- أ (العلوم الطبيعيه

The Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of Oriental Strawberry (Arbutus andrachne L.): A Review Article
Sihem Mekchiche, Khalid Al-Ismail, and Hamed Takruri
Assessing Mothers’ Perception of Maternal Health Services in Rural Areas of Yatta, Hebron: A Pilot Study from Palestine
Hussien Jabbarien Jabbarien, Inad Nawajah, and Mohannad Jazzar
Effect of Temperature and Sodium Chloride Addition on the Conductivity of Sodium (polystyrene sulfonate) Aqueous Solutions
Saida Asfour, Ahmed Ayyad, and Fahed Takrori
Towards Secure Interoperability of EHR among Healthcare Organizations in Palestine
Mohammad Al-Asafra and Belal Amro
Knowledge about hepatitis B among nurses in the governmental healthcare sector in southern West Bank, Palestine
Mohammed Qaisiya, Duaa Duaa, Wafa Abu Siba, Haneen Nur Haneen Nur, and Yousef Adal Najjar