"Would Access Cavity design affect the mechanical behaviour of tooth : a finite element study." by Muhammad Ashraf Elhusseini, Engy Kataia et al.

International Arab Journal of Dentistry




Two distinct access cavity designs were used to access Two simulated finite element models (FE). (Lingual (LAC) and incisal (IAC)). Three experimental FE models, including the IT model, were developed: LAC and IAC. For every simulated model, one distinct radicular preparations was carried out of size #30/.04. The incisal edge was subjected to an occlusal cycle load of 120 N. The maximum von mises stresses (VMS), maximum principal stresses (MPS), and stress distribution patterns were assessed and calculated quantitatively. It was concluded that the mandibular incisor's biomechanical behavior is significantly influenced by the size of the access design. Biomechanically the radicular preparation has relatively little influence on the tooth behavior. A critical aspect influencing the biomechanical behavior of endodontically treated teeth is the correlation between the functional load sites and the access cavity margins.
