International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology

This study was conducted to determine the effect of high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) on vaginal relaxation syndrome (VRS). Thirty sexually active women suffering from vaginal laxity aged 30-45 years participated in this study. Vaginal laxity is often overlooked and underreported, yet it significantly impacts sexual functioning, self-image, and overall quality of life (QoL) in women. These women were randomly assigned to two groups: control group (15 women) received pelvic floor exercises daily for 8 weeks and study group (15 women) received the same exercises daily for 8 weeks plus 2 sessions of HIFU with 4 weeks apart. Evaluation was done before and after the treatment program by vaginal laxity questionnaire (VLQ), sexual satisfaction questionnaire (SSQ), and female sexual function index-19 (FSFI-19) to assess sexual health; International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire short-form (ICIQ-SF) to evaluate urinary symptoms; vaginal pH strip to evaluate vaginal pH; vaginal pressure gauge to assess vaginal wall elasticity; and ultrasonographic imaging to assess pelvic floor biometers. The post-treatment results revealed significant improvements in VLQ, SSQ, all domains and total score of FSFI-19, ICIQ-SF, vaginal pH, intravaginal pressure, the length from symphysis pubis to anorectal angle at rest and at contraction, as well as the anteroposterior and transverse diameters, and area of the levator ani hiatus at rest and at Valsalva (p<0.05) in favour of the study group. High intensity focused ultrasound is an effective and safe modality for improving sexual health, urinary symptoms, vaginal pH, vaginal wall elasticity, and pelvic floor biometers in women with vaginal relaxation syndrome.
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S. Shaheen, Eisraa; M. Yousef, Amel; M. Okail, Fahima; and H. Abbassy, Amr
"Effect of High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound on Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome,"
International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology: Vol. 12
, PP -.
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