
International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology

International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology

Volume 12, Issue 3 (2023) Sep. 2023


Fabricate and Characterization of SrTiO3-based MIM capacitors
Hamed A. Gatea, Mohammed Ayad Alkhafaji, and Hashim Abbas


The Detection of IVT Over Iraq and Surrounding Region and the links to Precipitation Over Iraq
Ahmed Z. AL-Khawaja, Dheyaa A. Bilal, and Asraa k. Abdul kareem


Roles of Oxygen Vacancies and Excess Electron Localization on Ceria Surfaces: First Principles Study
Nabil Al Aqtash, Anas Y. Al-Reyahi, Said M. Al Azar, Ahmad Mufleh, Saber S. Essaoud, and Khadidja Berarma


Synthesis of Stable Alkaline Ferrates (VI) by Dry Process: Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment
Abdellatif El Maghraoui, Abdelaziz Zerouale, and Mustapha Ijjaali


Effect of High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound on Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome
Eisraa S. Shaheen, Amel M. Yousef, Fahima M. Okail, and Amr H. Abbassy


Study the Defect of Organic Electron Transport Materials of Perovskites Solar Cell
Hussein K. Mejbel, Samir M. AbdulAlmohsin, and Dhuha E. Tareq