Information Sciences Letters

Information Sciences Letters


In this paper we develop a model to identify the most important factors that affect the student’s intention to start self-employment, which depends on some personal and innate qualities and skills. We consider two main pillars; namely: familiarity and knowledge of the basic principles of entrepreneurship and surrounding factors that affect the success of entrepreneurs. The intention served as the moderator between the students’ tendency towards entrepreneurial business on (long, short, and medium) terms and the actual execution of their projects. Among the most important demographic characteristics of students who are convinced of the idea and concept of entrepreneurship and motivated to start execution is that most of them are (males) living in captetal, studying in private universities and tend to art studies - health and engineering specialties. The students are in their final year with outstanding academic achievements, and graduates of public and commercial secondary schools. It is shown that the educational level of the parents is not less than university level and entrepreneur student does not tend to take postgraduate studies.
