Information Sciences Letters

Information Sciences Letters


SARS-CoV-2 attacked more than 120 million people and causing the death of more than two million worldwide. Because of the crucial role of ACE2 protein as an entry for SRS-COV2, we investigated the proteins sequence in seventy- three living species. Data analysis of protein sequences, ACE2 mRNA, expression analysis, and protein interaction for humans and other living species were obtained from databases. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using MEGA6. We found 95% or more similarity between the conserved protein domains between Homo sapiens and Felis catus, Pan troglodytes, Pan paniscus, and Equus caballus. These species could be expressed the protein in their cell surface with the same properties as Homo sapiens. This leads to the idea of being an actual transmitter of the virus SARS-COV2, and maybe a possible reason for the spread of the virus when work or play with it, eating, cooking it, or transfer from one place to another. Expression analyses provide more explanations about organs in the body that expressed more genes like lung, heart, small intestine, and colon, which are affected more than other organs or tissues during infection or are supposed to be an infection transmitter when dealing with it in the animal after sacrifices or die. We concluded that the possibility of high SARS-CoV-2 infectivity via both zoonosis and reverse zoonosis is interesting and needs more research to develop a new strategy for dealing with this virus.
