Information Sciences Letters

Information Sciences Letters


In this study, we aimed to evaluate the knowledge and practices of the individuals in the UAE, to enhance the immune system during the COVID-19 comparing with before the pandemic period. We use a cross-sectional online questionnaire was administered to (n=1530) UAE participants. The questionnaire included four aspects: demographic characteristics, Knowledge questions, practice questions before the COVID-19, practice questions during the COVID-19. The findings revealed that the total score of the correct answers of the knowledge was (78%), while the total score of practices was moderate and increased from (1.90 ±0.776) to (2.15±0.80) before and during the pandemic, respectively. There was a statistically significant between knowledge and practices with gender, employment status, age group, education, marital status, and participants with positive COVID-19 test, while there was no significance with marital status and practices. females, employed people, individuals aged ≤50, high educational degree, other marital status, and negative COVID-19 test, had a higher level of knowledge than others, while females, employed people, individuals aged 40-49, college educational degree, other marital status, and positive COVID-19 test, had a higher level of practices than others. The Conclusions of this study showed that United Arab Emirates (UAE) residents showed high levels of knowledge and positive change in the practices to enhance the immune system during the COVID-19 pandemic. Continuing the health education programs by the UAE health authorities toward COVID 19 while focusing more on how to strengthen the bodys immunity is recommended.
