Information Sciences Letters
The research studies the science of know-how and its rooting in Ibn Khaldun, after presenting some historical applied examples and scientific indications of some scholars. With its harmony with the approach of innate human reception, and the nature of its communication is special, including intellectual and experiential, which includes right and wrong, or truth and lies. The research presented the definition of the term from the linguistic and terminological point of view, in addition to attributing its status to Ibn Khaldun, and presents the standards that Ibn Khaldun defined. To be relied upon in accepting and rejecting news, as well as the qualities that must be available for those who work in the sciences of history in particular, and the rest of knowledge in general. The research concluded that this section was subjective, impressionistic, and scattered in the human experience. After Ibn Khalduns accession to it, it became closer to objectivity than to subjectivity. This achievement attributed to Ibn Khaldun is an achievement added to his repeated creations in the humanities, especially sociology.
Recommended Citation
Nayef Ali Al-qaedah, Abdelhadi and Hejazi Faroq Hejazi, Arabi
"Ibn Khalduns Approach to the Science of Knowledge an In- Depth Study on the Reception and Critique of News,"
Information Sciences Letters: Vol. 12
, PP -.
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