Information Sciences Letters
In order to better understand knowledge management methods, this study will look into the link between knowledge management enablers and performance outcomes in Saudi Arabian and Jordanian higher education institutions, with a focus on public universities in the Emirates. Three particular state institutions faculty members made up the studys population. The samples were chosen by simple random sampling. The study included 150 questions, all of which were helpful for achieving the studys goal and yielding a100% response rate. Regression analysis was utilized to evaluate the hypotheses and Cornbrashs alpha was employed to assess the datas dependability. The findings showed that staff management significantly and favorably affects citation, international perspective, education, research, and as well as industry revenue. With the exception of industry income, organizational culture yields the same outcomes. While leadership has large negative effects on worldwide perspective, information technology has favorable and considerable effects on industry income and international outlook. The study comes to the conclusion that industry income, worldwide viewpoint, citation, teaching, research, and research performance were all predicted by employee motivation. Teaching, research, citation, and an international perspective were all predicted by organizational culture. Only industrial wealth and leadership were inversely correlated with international orientation, whereas information technology was a predictor of both. Higher education institutions may use the studys findings in their decision-making process when creating policies that will improve student performance.
Recommended Citation
A. Alwaely, S.; F. Alshammari, M.; Abusalma, A.; A. S. AL-Derabseh, R.; A. H. AL_ Ruheel, A.; and R. Darawsheh, S.
"Knowledge Management Systems: Empowering Motivation and Satisfaction in Higher Education Institutions,"
Information Sciences Letters: Vol. 12
, PP -.
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