Information Sciences Letters
The fostering of autistic childrens self-confidence for the sake of their growth is an act of humanity that deserves recognition. This is done in order to comprehend and enhance their cognitive and psychological growth as a kind of systematic help in everyday life to build confidence in socializing at school and in the community. This studys issue is the counselors efforts in offering assistance to autistic youngsters. This research tries to describe the efforts of counselors to increase self-confidence via counseling. This investigation falls under the heading of qualitative field research. The total number of participants in this research was 227. The approach employed for data analysis was descriptive qualitative analysis. Descriptive qualitative data analysis was employed, which explains the scenario or events, the character of a specific population or place by obtaining factual information, justifying the situation, and making assessments in order to generate a clear picture. From the findings of the research, it can be inferred that a teachers direction is necessary to develop the social confidence of autistic children both within and outside the classroom (counselor). This is owing to these childrens inherent limits. The outcomes of the assistance provided by the counselor are sufficient to boost the self-esteem of the autistic youngsters they advise.
Recommended Citation
M. Salah, B.; Sakher, Sh.; R. Darawsheh, S.; and A. Quraann, E.
"Guidance for Autistic Children in Increasing Confidence in Socializing,"
Information Sciences Letters: Vol. 12
, PP -.
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