Information Sciences Letters

Information Sciences Letters


The purpose of this article is to create a suitable treatment program for autistic children that is based on the use of many media formats. This research utilizes a review of the relevant literature, an examination of the issue in the field, interviews, and surveys in order to obtain the data that is needed for the study. A concept to slightly practical approach has been taken to develop the app in a way that makes it possible for them to fit the strategies and lesson plans that are used throughout the treatment process for people who have autism. This has been carried out in a way that has been carried out in a way that makes it possible for them to fit these strategies and lesson plans. Children who have autism may benefit from interactive treatment programs that can be developed with the help of the Lovaas approach. These programs can make use of modern computer technology in addition to different forms of multimedia. These programs would be tailored to meet the needs of autistic children and adolescents.
