Information Sciences Letters
For any system Eigen value is the characteristic value and It is the characteristic roots for an equation which modeled that system. In this paper we have introduce Radial Basis Function (RBF) to evaluate Eigen value approximation for any given system. We have made some approximation to get best possible output with the help of pseudo inverse technique in Radial Basis Functions. We have experimented and compared the Eigen values of matrices with respect to Gaussian RBF, Multi-Quadratic RBF and Inverse Multi-Quadratic RBF methods. In this paper we worked on several matrices and calculated their Eigen value by using different RBF methods.
Recommended Citation
Paul, Abhisek and Bhattacharya, ,Paritosh
"Eigen Value and It′s Comparison with Gaussian RBF, Multi-Quadratic RBF and Inverse Multi-Quadratic RBF Methods,"
Information Sciences Letters: Vol. 3
, PP -.
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