
Jadara Journal For Research and Studies

Jadara Journal For Research and Studies


This study aimed at identifying the level of psychological
hardiness among the gifted students in the eleventh grade in the State

of Kuwait and identifying their coping responses to psychological

stresses, as well as determining the relation between the psychological

hardiness and coping responses to psychological stresses. The study

sample consisted of )112( gifted students )46 male and 66 female(
from all districts of Al-Kuwait. The study used the descriptive

approach. The study used the academic achievement records, Raven’s

Progressive Matrices prepared by AbdulRauf )1999(, and Torrance Test
of Creative Thinking )B( For the identification of gifted students. The
Psychological Hardiness Scale )Mukhaimar, 2012( and Moos Coping
Inventory )Moos, 2004( were used as study data collection. The results
showed that the level of psychological hardiness among the gifted

students was high )%79.37( and above hypothetical mean. The highest
level of psychological hardiness was in “commitment”, “challenge”

and “control” respectively. The results showed that the highest coping

responses to psychological stresses among the sample were positive

adaptive responses namely: logical analysis, problem solving, and the

positive evaluation. The results also showed a statistically significant

positive correlation coefficient )0.05( between psychological hardness
and the following dimensions of the coping responses: logical analysis,

positive evaluation, seeking support and guidance, as well as problem

solving. The results indicated that there are statistically significant

differences in the level of psychological hardiness and the grades of

commitment and challenge among the gifted students attributed to

gender in favor of females but not for control, and there are statistically

significant differences in the dimensions of the coping responses

)positive evaluation, seeking support and guidance and emotional

catharsis( attributed to gender in favor of females, while there are no

statistically significant differences in the dimensions of coping responses

including logical analysis, problem solving, cognitive avoidance,

surrender and withdrawal and looking for alternative solutions among

the gifted students attributed to gender.

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