
Journal of Faculty of Education Assiut University - المجلة العلمية بكلية التربية-جامعة أسيوط

Journal of Faculty of Education Assiut University - المجلة العلمية بكلية التربية-جامعة أسيوط


The study aimed to clarify the theories and studies on the topic of leadership, which is due to leadership being a vital subject of study and research. Its concept and practices are affected and influenced by the development of the time in which you live, and the study emphasizes the importance of leadership as it is the essence of the administrative process as it affects and is affected by the work environment, and in this research the concepts of Leadership and some of the leadership theories that have been widely circulated (the great man, traits, attitude, the theory of decision-making) in terms of their pioneering concept and principles and the strength they were distinguished by or the criticism directed at them, bearing in mind that other theories can branch out from these theories Emanated from it.
