
Journal of Faculty of Education Assiut University - المجلة العلمية بكلية التربية-جامعة أسيوط

Journal of Faculty of Education Assiut University - المجلة العلمية بكلية التربية-جامعة أسيوط


The study aimed to develop a proposed perception for activating strategic pioneering in education departments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in light of global experiences by revealing the degree of practicing the dimensions of strategic pioneering: (pioneering thinking, pioneering culture, and pioneering leadership), determine the degree of availability of requirements for activating strategic pioneering in education departments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in light of global experiences from the viewpoint of their educational leaders, and to reveal the significance of differences in the degree of practicing the strategic pioneering dimensions and in the degree of availability of requirements for activating strategic pioneering in education departments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in light of global experiences may be attributed to the study variables: (academic qualification, years of service, current position). In order to achieve these goals, the descriptive analytical approach was used, and the study relied on the questionnaire as a tool that was applied to an intended sample of (430) individuals from the directors of general education departments, their assistants, their advisors, and male and female directors of Education departments and offices in five public educational areas: (Riyadh, Jeddah, Eastern Region (Al-Sahrqiah), Tabuk, Al-Baha).

The study found that the degree of practicing the dimensions of strategic pioneering in education departments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia came in general with a "moderate" degree, as pioneering leadership dimension ranked first with an arithmetic mean (2.64 out of 4.00), followed by pioneering thinking dimension which ranked second with an arithmetic mean (2.44 out of 4.00), and in third rank the pioneering culture dimension which ranked third and the least one with an arithmetic mean (2.37 out of 4.00). The degree of availability of the requirements for strategic pioneering in the education departments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in light of global experiences reached (2.35 out of 4.00), which is "a moderate degree". The study revealed that the variables "academic qualification", "years of service", and "current position" have an impact on the study sample's evaluation of the degree of practicing the strategic pioneering, the total degree of strategic pioneering, and the degree of availability of the requirements for activating strategic pioneering in education departments in light of experience, with differences were in favor of holders of "Master's and Doctoral", in favor of participants from the directors of education and their assistants, and in favor of participants with years of service from 11 years or more.

The study also proposed a perception for activating the strategic pioneering in the education departments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in light of global experiences. In light of the study findings, the researcher recommended working on adopting the proposed perception reached by this study and applying it, and on providing the necessary requirements to activate the strategic pioneering in the education departments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in light of global experiences.
