
Journal of Faculty of Education Assiut University - المجلة العلمية بكلية التربية-جامعة أسيوط

Journal of Faculty of Education Assiut University - المجلة العلمية بكلية التربية-جامعة أسيوط


This study aimed at explaining the concept of Islamic education, explaining the concept of intolerance (its causes, motives and effects), and showing Qur’an verses and hadiths that reject intolerance. The researcher used the inductive descriptive approach sinceit suits for the purpose of the study.The study concluded that Islamic education is concerned with individualssince early childhood, by preserving their right instinct that God Almighty created, and by emphasizing that fanaticism is not innate but acquired through the mechanisms of social upbringing.

Islamic education fought intolerance in all its forms through Quran verses and Prophetic Hadiths that forbid fanaticism because of its harmful and destructive effects such as stirring up strives, inculcating feeling of hatred, shedding blood among people, and preventing others from exercising their legitimate rights in addition to the other negative effects upon individuals and societies.Through its supreme educational principles, Islam has established provisions and rules for dealing with people and getting to know each other based on justice and equality in rights and duties.
