
Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies

Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies


This research deals with an authonic prophetical hadith, which is agreed by Al Bukhari and Muslim" may Allah be pleased with them" in order to disclaim the libel called by some researchers around it. This Hadith was narrated by Ibn Abbas about the seventy thousands people are moving in to paradise without judgment at the doomsday. This Hadith mentioned those people's characters which cause this privilage "they were never caterizing nor using exorcism". Some claimed that this Hadith is false by both series of narrators and the text. The weakness of narrators came by Ausaid Ibn Zaid who was claimed as a liar, however, the weakness in the text came by the conflict between this Hadith and Hadiths called to ask medications.

This research indicates that the narrator Ausaid is not a laier but he is weak, on the other hand there is no conflict with other Hadiths as this Hadith means that those people left cauterizing and exorcism but taking faith and prayers as a way of remedy as a result of their high piety.