
Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies

Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies


The study aims at making Imam Dirani Approach in display and Guidance of Quranic Recitations in his Interpretation (Al Kefaya in the Interpretation of the Qur’an” clear. The two researchers adapted both the descriptive approach and analytical approach in order to bring into view Dirani approach in display Quranic recitations, and specify his methods in guiding them. The study reached many findings such as: Dirani dealt with recurrent and abnormal recitations, focusing on abnormal ones sometimes, and he didn’t take much care of referring the recitations to their owners. For example, he didn’t discuss or broach differentiation between recitations except in specific occasions, he overbalanced recurrent recitation on another recurrent recitation, or on abnormal one. He didn’t overbalanced abnormal recitation on recurrent one, as: He guides the Quraan by the Quraan, by the language sciences and by recital rules. Hemanifests some points of Juristic judgments of Quranic recitations.