Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies

This research aims to illustrate the formation of contemporary Arab Islamic feminist thought, and the ontological and epistemological bases on which it depends, in order to emphasize its specialty from western Feminist Secular thought.
It reaches to the conclusion that the formation of the contemporary Arab Islamic Feminist thought was connected with epistemological and religious consciousness of the movement of Arab Islamic. Thought which asks for the rights of women, done by men and women whom rely on the Islamic views about humans, especially women, in addition to epistemological religious bases drived from Qur'an and Sunnah. This doing gives this thought legitimatcy for it does not contradict with Islamic principles which treats women with justice.
This thought illustrates that the inferior view about women is a result of inherited habits and traditions which affected the views of jurists regarding their understanding of religious texts related to women.
Recommended Citation
Al-Daboubi, Maysoon Dhaif Allah
"النسوية الإسلامية في العالم العربي المعاصر والمرجعية الإسلامية Islamic Feminism in the Contemporary Arab World and Islamic Reference,"
Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies: Vol. 14:
3, Article 5.
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