Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies

The research deals with the concept of prohibition and the method of writing in it, and the research clarified the importance of prohibition and its place in the science of jurisprudence. The research presented rooting the issues of the forbidden prohibition and the prohibition of prohibition by extrapolating and analyzing the statements of the fundamentalists and analyzing them.
The research discussed a set of jurisprudential applications in personal situations to find out the reasons for differences. The research showed the effect of the fundamental difference in the issues of forbidden prohibition and the prohibition of prohibition in the development of jurisprudence.
It was found that the fundamental difference in the issues of forbidden prohibition and the prohibition of prohibition has influenced the applications of jurisprudence by presenting and analyzing some jurisprudential examples in personal situations.
Recommended Citation
Rahal, Aladdin Hussein and Kharraz, Abdul Rahman Ibrahim
"مفهوم النهي، وأثر النهي المجرد وصوارفه -دراسة أصولية فقهية في الأحوال الشخصية The Concept, Effect, and Forms of Abstract Prohibition - A Jurisprudential Fundamental Study of Civil Status,"
Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies: Vol. 14:
3, Article 6.
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