Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies

This research, which consists of four demands, deals with the issue of the influence of Islam on the German monk, Martin Luther, and the issue of Martin Luther hatred of Islam.
The research discusses these two issues in accordance with two groups of scholars. The first group believes that Luthers position of Islam was negative and hostile. While the second group believes that Luther was influenced by Islam, and that this influence was a direct cause of Luther's declaration of the religious reform movement in Europe.
The research also reviews and discusses the evidence of these two groups related to issues above.
Recommended Citation
Asabatin, Rajeh Ibrahim
"مارتن لوثر بينَ التأثُّرِ بالإسلام ومُعَاداتِه في آراء عُلماء المُسلمين Martin Luther between Being Influenced by Islam and Being Hostile to it in the Perspective of Muslim scholars,"
Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies: Vol. 15:
1, Article 17.
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