
Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies

Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies


This work examines the role of political conflicts between Muslims in the Early Islamic Era and their influence in the rise of sects and their theological doctrines. The researcher notes the presence of religious controversy in political conflicts and the development of relevant events, This has its direct and indirect reflections on the Muslims life and the management of their crises, religiously, in tellectually and politically up to the present day.

The researcher states the importance of the subject, the objectives and methods if the problem and how to handle it. Then the paper discusses the following: First, the party political conflicts, like the Kharajites, the Shiites and the Murjites, Second, discussing Fatalism, Predetermination and the Mutazilites as a case of political employment of religion in the frame of action and reaction between the conflicting parties; and Third, the impact of political conflicts in formulating political vision doctrinally and using it as a religious authority to direct political events and to manage crises.

The paper concludes that political conflicts in the Early Islamic Era had an important role in the rise of the sects and the development of their doctrines which used sharia texts to serve their political goals in facing their enemies. This came along with a variety of political attraction and text interpretation in justifying and directing events.